1 atm = 14.696 PSI 1 atm = 1.033 kp-cm2 bar 1 bar = 0.987 atm 1 bar = 0.100 MPa 1 bar = 14.504 PSI 1 bar = 1.020 kp-cm2 MPa 1 MPa = 9.869 atm
What is the difference between kg/cm2 / Bar /psi in pressure units?.. Answer / sam kg/cm² and bar are similar in numerical value, and differ by a factor of 0.981 as bar units are based on force (N), and the gravitational constant needs to be applied when converting from mass (kg). KSI to Kn/mm 2 Calculator - Easycalculation.com KSI to Kn/mm 2 Calculator. Below is the simple online KSI to Kn/mm 2 Calculator to convert Kilopound per Square Inch to Kn/mm 2.KSI is a measure of the tensile strength of steel. 1 KSI is equal to 145.0377 KiloNewton Per Squared Millimeter. Convert Pound Per Square Inch To Kilogram Per Centimeter ... Pound Per Square Inch (abbreviations: psi, or lb/in2): is a unit of pressure or of stress based on avoirdupois units.It is the pressure resulting from a force of one pound-force applied to an area of one square inch. Kilogram Per Centimeter Cube (abbreviations: kg/cm2, or kgpcm2): is the SI derived unit of pressure used to quantify internal pressure, stress, Young's modulus and … Convert pressure - Unit Converter App
Convert pressure units. Easily convert newtons per square meter to pounds per square inch, convert Nm -2 to psi . Many other converters available for free. Can anyone convert, for me, kg/cm2 into.... - Page 1 ... Sep 21, 2009 · Can anyone convert, for me, kg/cm2 into. My Profile My Preferences My Mates. Search My Stuff. Just divide my answer by 1000 to get it in kN/m2. A kilogram is a unit of mass. A Newton is a 1 kilogram per cubic centimeter (kg/cm3) = 433,527.50 psi ... This on the web one-way conversion tool converts density units from kilograms per cubic centimeter ( kg/cm3 ) into psi per 1000 feet ( psi/1000 ft ) instantly online. 1 kilogram per cubic centimeter ( kg/cm3 ) = 433,527.50 psi per 1000 feet ( psi/1000 ft ). How many psi per 1000 feet ( psi/1000 ft ) are in 1 kilogram per cubic centimeter ( 1 kg/cm3 )?
Oct 19, 2003 · 1 Kgf is the weight of an object that has a mass of 1Kg and is accelerated at 9.8 m/s2 (acceleration of gravity at 45 deg of latitude and sea level). Strictly speaking, a pressure transmister should be calibrated in "Kgf/cm2", not in "Kg/cm2". Pressure should always be expressed as force applied per unit area. Newtons per (square centimeter) to pounds-force per ... How to convert newtons per square centimeter to pounds-force per square inch [N/cm² to psi]:. p psi = 1.45037738 × p N/cm². How many pounds-force per square inch in a newton per square centimeter: If p N/cm² = 1 then p psi = 1.45037738 × 1 = 1.45037738 psi. How many pounds-force per square inch in 25 newtons per square centimeter: Convert pounds per sq. inch to kilogram-force per sq ... How many kilogram-force per sq. centimeter ( kgf/cm 2 ) are in 1 pound per square in ( 1 psi )? How much of pressure or stress from pounds per sq. inch to kilogram-force per sq. centimeter, psi to kgf/cm 2 ? Exchange values and measures from one pressure or stress unit to another unit by quick calculation. Convert bar to psi - Pressure Conversions
What is the difference between kg/cm2 / Bar /psi in ...
Pounds per square inch (or pound-force per square inch) is a non-SI unit of Pressure. The symbol for pounds per square inch is psi or lbf/in 2. There are 14.5038 psi in a bar. Conversion Formula. Let's take a closer look at the conversion formula so that you can do these conversions yourself with a calculator or with an old-fashioned pencil and How do you convert KPa*cm^(2) to KN (kilo-newtons ... Apr 19, 2013 · How do you convert KPa*cm^(2) to KN (kilo-newtons)? Anyone know how to convert this for chem? Thank you. Answer Save. 1 Answer. Relevance. Kim. Lv 5. 7 years ago. Favorite Answer. multiply by 0.0001 m^2/cm^2 and know that Pa = N/m^2 so then you can cancel the m^2 and you are left with kN. Note, it's a lower case k. Convert pressure: 0.2 MPa (megapascal) to ... The pressure value 0.2 MPa (megapascal) in words is "zero point two MPa (megapascal)". This is simple to use online converter of weights and measures. Simply select the input unit, enter the value and click "Convert" button. The value will be converted to … Pressure Conversion Calculator | DigiKey Electronics Convert psi to bar, kg/cm2 to psi, bar to kg/cm2, and other units like pa, mmH2O, inches H2O, psf and atmosphere with DigiKey's pressure measurement conversion calculator.
- 807
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- 240
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- 88
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- 1662
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- 554
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